Comment 41 for bug 1276379

Revision history for this message
Alessandro Viprati (vipri-alessandro) wrote :

As described from many users before, the first Catalyst driver available inside the Ubuntu restricted repository was this one [1]. This driver supports all Ati Radeon HD graphic cards (I don't know if it supports most recent HD 7xxx or 8xxx series, but this isn't the problem). Users were able to install fglrx driver for HD 2xxx, 3xxxx and 4xxx graphic cards without problems.

Since Point Releases [2] were released, new kernel and Xorg stacks were used. The old fglrx driver can't support new kernel and xorg, so upgrade the fglrx driver to a newer version is a *must*.
Canonical can't just push new HWE stacks without providing support for new graphic cards through fglrx drivers.

Due to this, updated fglrx drivers published inside the Ubuntu repos broke the systems with old HD 2xxx, 3xxx and 4xxx cards.
AMD dropped the Radeon HD 2xxx, 3xxxx and 4xxx support.

For Ati Radeon HD 2xxx, 3xxx and 4xx users, you have different solutions:

 - install Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with new open source Radeon [3] drivers (pre-installed in Ubuntu), which have a better power management support, better heat control and general better stability and functionalities. Don't install fglrx drivers if you use these distributions.

 - install Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS, install updates and don't install a new HWE stack. Then install fglrx 13.1 from AMD website [4]. This is the last fglrx version which supports Radeon HD 2xxx, 3xxx and 4xxx graphic cards and can be used only with the Ubuntu 12.04 original stack.

 - install Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS and install old fglrx drivers inside the repository *fglrx=2:8.960-0ubuntu1*. Remember to not update this driver through system updates.

 - a combination of the solutions presented before (HWE stack downgrade and blablabla - non the best solution ever - )

Consider that recent open Radeon drivers works really better that 2 years ago, so try them.

= Related to this bug =

Ubuntu 12.04: consider to make available the fglrx 13.1 driver inside 12.04 repos, only installable on Ubuntu 12.04.1 original kernel and xorg stack. Alternatively, prevent the update from 8.960 version to actual 13.350 fglrx driver (or future versions) for HD 2xxx, 3xxx and 4xxx users.

Ubuntu 14.04: this bug can't be solved, AMD dropped support for these graphics cards and the old driver can't work with new kernels and xorg stacks. Use open Radeon driver and don't try to install fglrx drivers.
