Comment 98 for bug 118605

Revision history for this message
Robert Bernecky (bernecky) wrote :

I don't particularly care about graphics performance, but definitely DO want
(1) switch-user to work properly (which, at present, crashes my system), and
(2) dual-head support to work properly.

So, I may not need the apparently useless drivers from AMD/ATI, if they are the root
of the problem, IF I can get the above features to work properly without fglrx.

Someone claimed that someone from ATI/AMD said that "nobody uses switch-user,
so we don't have to fix it". This statement is rumor, so I don't want to beat up on
ATI/AMD (perhaps), but let me assure you that the need to run concurrent users
with different permissions is very critical to my work. If NVIDIA can support
the above two requirements, I would switch to them in an instant, IFF
they work. My past experience with NVIDIA does not give me hope here.

If ATI/AMD would just publish their device (GPU) specifications, we could
do the open-source thing and life would be good. At present, I have NO
good suppliers of GPUs to go to. This is as bad as the mainframe world
of the 1970s, when IBM refused to publish their I/O channel specifications,
in the hope of keeping their monopoly. Perhaps someone should sue
ATI/AMD and NVIDIA to get them to publish their interface specifications.

BTW, these problems, from what I've seen, may not be specific to ATI/AMD or
NVIDIA, because it seems to appear with both GPUs. If so, my apologies to
the appropriate vendor(s). If not, will you people please get off your
butt and fix things?

Thanks. Your Unsatisfied Linux Customer.