Comment 7 for bug 1069299

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Daniel Letzeisen (dtl131) wrote : Re: 1002:9613 fglrx-installer not working in Quantal

>>"This conclusion is flawed. When I install fglrx in Quantal, just as I in Lucid, it should still work, in whatever implementation would be supported/required. It doesn't."

Speaking of flawed conclusions, why would you believe this when precedent shows the opposite? Going back to the Radeon X1600 example, fglrx worked fine for that card in Hardy, but did not in Lucid, and AMD never updated their 9-3 Legacy driver for use with newer kernels and Xservers.

>>"I, and the rest of the Ubuntu Community, are only looking for the "It just works." experience one comes to expect when using Ubuntu software from the repositories."

The open-source driver works out of the box. If you absolutely must have fglrx, then you'll have to use Precise, which is supported for 4 more years.

>> "Please stop wasting my time asking me to file additional, frivolous reports.
I'm asking you to file a valid report against the correct package that takes reality into account. The reality is that fglrx versions past 12-6 no longer support RadeonHD 2000-4000 (if you really don't believe me/phoronix or anyone but the AMD site, then apt-get source fglrx and look at the PCI ID's) and Ubuntu 12.10 uses code based on Catalyst 12-9 beta. So you're actually 100% correct that fglrx doesn't support your card (and no one's going to "fix" that). The best you can hope for is the legacy driver being updated to use newer kernels/Xservers.

>> "As well, please stop Status jockeying this report. It's valid, unless the maintainers say otherwise."
I would encourage you to stop changing the status, but I can see that the "you can lead a horse to water, but can't make it drink" adage probably applies here. Your bug is "won't fix" at best, but it seems you can't accept that reality. Good luck with that....
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