Comment 0 for bug 812851

Revision history for this message
James Page (james-page) wrote :

felix-bundlerepository, felix-shell need an initial bootstrap build to allow building of maven-bundle-plugin:

Bootstrapping felix-shell
Since libfelix-shell-java Build-Depends on libmaven-bundle-plugin-java
and libmaven-bundle-plugin-java also Build-Depends on libfelix-shell-java
we need a way to bootstrap this.

To build felix-shell without bundle metadata :
1) d/control: Drop Build-Depends on libmaven-bundle-plugin-java
2) d/patches/series: Decomment bootstrap_packaging_jar.diff patch
3) d/maven.ignoreRules: Decomment maven-bundle-plugin dependency

Bootstrapping felix-bundlerepository
Since libfelix-bundlerepository-java Build-Depends on libmaven-bundle-plugin-java
and libmaven-bundle-plugin-java also Build-Depends on libfelix-bundlerepository-java
we need a way to bootstrap this.

To build felix-bundlerepository without bundle metadata :
1) d/control: Drop Build-Depends on libmaven-bundle-plugin-java
2) d/patches/series: Decomment bootstrap_packaging_jar.diff patch
3) d/maven.ignoreRules: Decomment maven-bundle-plugin dependency