Comment 2 for bug 248150

Revision history for this message
Cesare Tirabassi (norsetto) wrote :

All these dapper r-cran packages:

r-cran-fcalendar 220.10063-1
r-cran-fmultivar 220.10063-1 (bug 248152)
r-cran-fextremes 220.10063-1 (bug 248154)
r-cran-quadprog 1.4.7-2 (bug 248155)
r-cran-fportfolio 220.10063-1 (bug 248156)
r-cran-fbasics 220.10063-1 (bug 248162)

fail postrm with ".: 197: Can't open /usr/lib/R/etc/ldpaths"

This also causes the following packages to fail installation (since they depend on the hardy versions of some of the above packages):

r-cran-fseries (bug 248157)
r-cran-fimport (bug 248158)
r-cran-ftrading (bug 248159)
r-cran-fassets (bug 248160)

I suspect this is linked to the fact that since r-base-core (2.4.0~rc20060926-1), /usr/lib/R/etc/ldpaths has been moved to /etc/R/ldpaths and a symlink left in /usr/lib/R/etc/.
Everything goes well until r-base-core is unpacked when the failures start to happen. I do not fully understand why though, after unpacking the symlink should be in place and the postrm scripts for those packages should not fail.

There is a similar issue reported in the debian bts ( for another r-cran package but unfortunately no answer from the maintainer.

I'm subscribing Dirk to this bug, I'd like to know if he stumbled in anything similar already in Debian.