Comment 0 for bug 485185

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phpmonkey (phpmonkey) wrote :

Binary package hint: f-spot

If you try to export a file to a folder using the Folder Export Plugin, and choose to resize it to something larger than the original, it seems to work fine, but when you go to open it, it is the same size as it was before.

This might be the expected behaviour (as in the resize is presumably designed to create thumbnails, and making it larger than the original would degrade the quality of the photo) but it IS a little counter intuitive.

Anyway, the real problem for me was that in the case where you choose a larger size than the original AND to rotate it, it fails at both operations.

I know that example is silly (why would you want to make it bigger?), but this might come up if you are exporting a bunch of photos of an event, and one happens to be taken from a mobile phone. You choose to resize and rotate them all to 750px to send them in an email. It would tell you everything went well, but if the photo from the mobile phone was less than 750px to begin with, then it will still be at original size and will NOT be rotated. All the other ones rotate & resize fine.

I guess I would like to have the photo rotate whether or not it is resized successfully.

Cheers :D


Ubuntu release: 9.10
F-Spot version:
Folder Export plugin version: