Comment 1 for bug 2032532

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

The command generating the failure is:

echo "================= adding user 'dummy' ====================="
getent passwd dummy || adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" dummy

Debian does not seem to hit this error running with exim4 on armhf:

361s +---------------------------------+
361s | Here we are testing the patch |
361s | features/protect-list.patch |
361s +---------------------------------+
361s ================= adding user 'dummy' =====================
362s info: Adding user `dummy' ...
362s info: Selecting UID/GID from range 1000 to 59999 ...
362s info: Adding new group `dummy' (1001) ...
362s info: Adding new user `dummy' (1001) with group `dummy (1001)' ...
362s info: Creating home directory `/home/dummy' ...
362s info: Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
362s info: Adding new user `dummy' to supplemental / extra groups `users' ...
362s info: Adding user `dummy' to group `users' ...
362s ========= Inject an obfuscated line into dummy's crontab ==============
362s ========== testing the crontab of user 'dummy' =============
362s ========= here is a hexa dump of $(crontab -u dummy -l) ====
362s 00000000 2a 20 2a 20 2a 20 2a 20 2a 20 3e 2f 74 6d 70 2f |* * * * * >/tmp/|
362s 00000010 78 3b 0d 6e 6f 20 63 72 6f 6e 74 61 62 20 66 6f |x;.no crontab fo|
362s 00000020 72 20 64 75 6d 6d 79 08 08 62 6f 0a |r|
362s 0000002c