Open any attachment up in another application. When you are done, save the
document using just the save method. The document is saved to
/home/user/.evolution/cache/tmp/evolution-tmp-garbage/ ...
This is completely unuseable by a novice user. When they are done, they simply
click save, or click save-as and then change the file name.
Somehow, evolution and/or the other applications should cooperate such that the
default place to save the new file is /home/user/Documents/ or at least /home/user/
Open any attachment up in another application. When you are done, save the .evolution/ cache/tmp/ evolution- tmp-garbage/ ...
document using just the save method. The document is saved to
This is completely unuseable by a novice user. When they are done, they simply
click save, or click save-as and then change the file name.
Somehow, evolution and/or the other applications should cooperate such that the Documents/ or at least /home/user/
default place to save the new file is /home/user/