Comment 3 for bug 197290

Revision history for this message
C de-Avillez (hggdh2) wrote :

Hello sari,

Current Linux (and glibc) do suport very large files; you are running such a system (Ubunut 7.10). I would like to get a bit more of data on what happened.

1. What is the underlying filesystem? Open a terminal window, and issue the following commands:

  mount # will list all mounted volumes
  df -k # will list the available and used space on the mounted volumes

then paste the output here. Also please state on which filesystem you have the Evo mailboxes.

2. what type of access do you use to GMail? Pop3, IMAP?

3. I understand you still have the large mailbox, but renamed. Please stop Evolution, and restart it from the command line as

  env CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution --component=mail > evo.log 2>&1

Evo should start normally, and will throw into 'evo.log' a lot of diagnostic data. After Evo has fully started, please *attach* the resulting 'evo.log' here.

And we will have a look at it.