Comment 2 for bug 1574653

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In , Milan (milan-redhat-bugs) wrote :

Thanks for a bug report. What are the samba packages you've installed, please? You can run this command to get the list of them:

   $ rpm -qa samba*

I updated mine to 4.3.8-0, but I'm still able to connect to my exhcnage2013 server using NTLM authentication. What authentication method are you using, please?

Getting the log is rather simple, run evolution from the command line like this:

   $ EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution &>log.txt

and the log will be saved in the log.txt file.

The evolution-ews doesn't depend on the samba, not directly, thus the connection between working and non-working evolution-ews is surprising. I didn't have installed samba-winbind-clients, which provides /usr/bin/ntml_auth, which can be used for the NTLM authentication, but still no luck, I can connect to my server.