Comment 4 for bug 106097

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jilse (ubuntu-usenet-verwaltung) wrote :

I compared the evms scripts from initramfs-tools from dapper und initramfs-tools from feisty.
They are exactly identical, but with the initramfs-tools from feisty, i have to wait before
calling evms_activate, because otherwise the root-device on an EVMS-Volume will not be
found ... What the hell is that? Why don't i have this problem with the dapper version of the
 initramfs-tools, but with the feisty version? Is my suggested fix only a workaround for a
completely different problem? Is there anyone else out there with such a problem? Is there
anyone out there, who uses an EVMS-Volume as root-device and *don't* need to wait before
running evms_activate from initial ramdisk?