Comment 2 for bug 106097

Revision history for this message
jilse (ubuntu-usenet-verwaltung) wrote :

Today i have build a patch for evms to solve this problem more elegant as the quick&dirty solution with "sleep 5". This solutions replaces the call of /sbin/evms_activate in the script /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/evms with a loop which tries to start evms_activate until $ROOT shows up (but limits the calls to evms_activate to a maximum of 11 times). Also it inserts a line in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/evms to make shure, that /lib/ is available in the initrd when evms is used (to avoid errormessages from evms_activate). May this patch (or something based on it) be useful for every ubuntu-User which uses an evms-Volume for the root-filesystem.

From my point of view, this bug is fixed, when this patch is included in Ubuntu feisty ...