Comment 2 for bug 768900

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Marcel Stimberg (marcelstimberg) wrote :

Evince was hidden from the menu before, and unity seems to honor the "NoDisplay=True" setting. It has been debated upstream (see the linked bug report) whether this is reasonable for the Gnome Shell. I'm marking it as "Opinion" for now because it is a rather fundamental question, whether this is really be a bug or not -- maybe someone from the Ubuntu desktop team can comment on what the consensus is on this... A similar bug report has been closed as invalid a long time ago (, but maybe we should think about it again for unity because I do not see any disadvantage in being able to start evince from the dash (in contrast to classic Gnome where it adds clutter to the menu).
The question is: What is the usecase for opening evince directly? Correct me if I'm wrong but the only one I'm seeing is using the "recent documents" entry in the file menu -- in contrast to many other applications that you can start directly, you can't for example create a new document in evince. With all the zeitgeist goodness this should not be needed anymore because you can access the recent documents directly from the dash.

BTW: All this applies to other applications as well, most notably the shotwell image viewer and eog.