Comment 0 for bug 1211639

Revision history for this message
Todd Wilson (iwilson) wrote :

Apparently, sometime around mid-January, Evernote switched to using OAuth for its Cloud API [1] and this has broken evernote-mode. Trying to log into Evernote using evernote-mode now produces

    enh-command-issue: No catch for tag: error, 8 and
    Evernote::EDAM::Error::EDAMUserException (parameter: consumerKey errorCode: INVALID_AUTH)

See in particular issues 24 and 25 on the Google Code page for the related emacs-evenote-mode [2]. It looks like kechako has patched some version of this code (see emacs-evernote-mode-developer-token on github [3]) so that it can authenticate via OAuth with a developer token that can be obtained from Evernote (via [4]). However, the evernote-mode and emacs-evernote-mode code bases seem a bit different and, not knowing the history, I didn't want to mess with them. Yet it did seem that familiar with this could fix the problem quickly by adapting the patch or, more ambitiously as suggested by issues 26 and 27 on [2], removing the dependency on Ruby altogether and using elisp instead. Any hope in achieving one or the other?

FWIW, I'm using evernote-mode 0.41-3 in GNU Emacs 24.2.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.6.4) on Ubuntu 13.04. Thanks.
