Comment 6 for bug 884950

Revision history for this message
Leonardo Borda (lborda) wrote :

Workaround is to increase memory java heap size to a higher number.

1. vi /etc/init/eucalyptus.conf
[ -n "$JVM_MEM" ] || JVM_MEM="512m"
[ -n "$JVM_MEM" ] || JVM_MEM="8192m"

2. save the file

3. restart eucalyptus-cloud service
sudo service eucalyptus-cloud stop
sudo service eucalyptus-cloud start

PS: Check using ps if the eucalyptus-cloud service is using 8192m. like the example below
eg. -eucalyptus-clou,1324 -h / -u eucalyptus --pidfile /var/run/eucalyptus/ -l DEBUG -L console-log -Xmx8192m