Comment 9 for bug 158248

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Ivan Lautaro Lemos (ivancete) wrote :

Hi, I wanted to tell you that I do the same thing happens in Ubuntu 7.10. Never in 7.04 I had this problem. I have a good machine. Moreover, the newly installed hard drive empty, the framework of 640mb, and I do not understand because this happens, I begin to think that is an important bug ... I have read that it is a protection in a .conf file, at this blog:

More times happen when using mp3, to copy, but sometimes if I tried to open a directory. Ubuntu

Said he had a limit of 1024 open files, and that is reached that limit, everything is working and not leave us open more folders to view its contents, even if you leave work to save or copy anything or create a txt, or open the browser. Therefore I think this is something serious. The system is unusable, the only solution is to reboot.

I hope suggestions, help, or any other similar cases explanation about this. Excuse my English, do not speak clearly, I speak Spanish. Greetings