Comment 28 for bug 620654

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Andrew Moss (andrewmoss) wrote :

Oh dear Robert. Shall I explain slowly?

This box is used in a production setting - I cannot risk disabling it as work will grind to a halt. I am well aware that there is a good probability that enabling the repository you suggest will work. But a good probability is not a risk I can take on this box. Even if some wild fluky outside event causes it to stop working then the place that I work will be shafted.

I don't need a lecture from you on why "people like me" are holding back bug detection and resolution. But this box is on the default maverick repository. Hard to believe, but maybe someone shouldn't have broken the package in the first place.

I am sure that of the 50+ people watching this buglist you will find somebody willing to change their repository and test your fix for the problem. But you don't have any moral authority to criticize somebody who is unwilling to be that test subject because if they do screw their box up - "it's a production box in a work environment".

Perhaps your confusion on the issue arises because you think gtalk is an entertainment tool. Here's a wild idea - perhaps there are people who use gtalk as a tool in their work. Shocking isn't it to think that people may actively collaborate with their colleague in different parts of the world! And of course, although it is annoying that empathy is shafted I will continue to keep a gmail tab open in a browser until the fix does make it into the stable repository, however long that way be.