Comment 5 for bug 535455

Revision history for this message
pablomme (pablomme) wrote :

Ok, the problem definitely exists and is reproducible. Simply get somebody to send you a message over MSN with an embedded newline in it (e.g. "1[shift-enter]2[enter]"). The comment will *not* show in the conversation. Additionally:

- If this message starts a conversation, no messages from your contact will be displayed until you send a message

- If the preceding message was your own and your contact sends a second message after the problematic one, the latter will display as your own, as originally reported. E.g: if you type "1[enter]" and your contact types "2[shift-enter]3[enter]4[enter]", it will look as if you had typed "1[enter]4[enter]"

These messages do display correctly in the logs. I just reproduced this with my MSN account on empathy and a second newly-created one on aMSN, both running on the same computer.