Comment 9 for bug 543611

Revision history for this message
Ryan Thompson (rct86) wrote :

Note: to generate this trace, I use the following procedure:

Open two terminals. In the first terminal, run the following commands to start emacs with strace:

$ mkdir -p /tmp/emacs-strace
$ strace -o /tmp/emacs-strace/trace-`date +%s`.log emacs23 -Q -nw

When emacs has started, do M-x server-start so that emacsclient can work. Now, in the second terminal, run the following command:

$ x=0; while emacsclient -c ; do x=$(( $x + 1 )); done; echo "Created $x windows before crash."

Now, an emacs window will open. Close it. Each time you close a window, a new emacs window will open. Keep closing each one that appears. If emacs exhibits the bug, then eventually you will close one window, and emacs will crash when it tries to create the next one. At this point, you can go get your stack trace in /tmp/emacs-strace.

I have generated several traces in this way, and in each one, the last 50 lines are identical except that certain hexadecimal numbers have changed. Let me know if you want more traces.