Comment 0 for bug 1935082

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Kyle McKay (mackyle) wrote : move libnvidia-egl-wayland1 package from universe into main

The libnvidia-gl 470 drivers have not yet been officially released.

However, there is a 470.42.01 BETA available.

And Alberto Milone has been kind enough to provide an experimental
PPA build of the 470 BETA for testing:

The release notes for the 470 BETA discuss performance under xwayland


Quoting from those release notes:

> The following are necessary to enable accelerated rendering on
> Xwayland with the NVIDIA driver:
> * DRM KMS must be enabled. See Chapter 35, Direct Rendering Manager
> Kernel Modesetting (DRM KMS) for details.
> * The installed copy of Xwayland should be a build from the master
> branch of at least
> as recent as commit c468d34c. Note that if this requirement is
> not satisfied, the NVIDIA GPU can still be used for rendering,
> however it will fall back to a suboptimal path for presentation
> resulting in degraded performance.
> * libxcb version 1.13 or later must be present.
> * egl-wayland version 1.1.7 or later must be present (if installed
> separately from the the NVIDIA driver).
> * If using the GNOME desktop environment, kms-modifiers must be
> enabled through gsettings. This can be done with the following
> command:
> gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features [\"kms-modifiers\"]

The first item is easily accomplished with something like this:

        options nvidia-drm modeset=1

For the second item, commit 763f4fb278 in the xserver
repository cherry-picks commit c468d34c (and an associated, not
mentioned, but also required commit) and is first included in the
xwayland- release on 2021-06-30.

For the third item it appears that libxcb version 1.13 or later has
been widely in use for some years now.

For the fourth item, egl-wayland version 1.1.7 was released from the
upstream repository on 2021-05-11:

The fifth item, if needed, is easily accomplished via the "gsettings"
command mentioned in those release notes.

Which brings us to the point of this request.

The impish repositories for the forthcoming 21.10 release at this
point now include xwayland- and, with the kind assistance
of Timo Aaltonen, libnvidia-egl-wayland1 1.1.7 (including the i386
version to facilitate running the i386 version of libnvidia-gl for
32-bit only apps on a 64-bit system).

In other words, impish is all ready to go for full "accelerated
rendering on Xwayland with the NVIDIA driver" just as soon as an
official 470 release of the nvidia driver makes its way into the
"restricted" repository.

According to:

The "main" repository is "Canonical-supported free and open-source
software." while the "restricted" repository is "Proprietary drivers
for devices."

However, it also says, "The Ubuntu Install CDs contain software
from the "Main" and "Restricted" repositories," but makes no mention
of any "Universe" software being included on those CDs.

This page:

goes on to say about the "restricted" repository:

> we make exceptions for a small set of tools and drivers that make
> it possible to install Ubuntu and its free applications on everyday
> hardware. These proprietary drivers are kept in the restricted
> component. Please note that it may not be possible to provide
> complete support for this software because we are unable to fix
> the software ourselves

In this case, the problem is that the proprietry drivers being "kept
in the restricted component" (in particular the upcoming release
of the libnvidia-gl 470 drivers) require a package from the "universe"
repository (the libnvidia-egl-wayland1 package) to avoid suffering
from crippled graphics performance when running Xwayland.

Since, apparently, no "universe" software has been included on the
Ubuntu Install CDs, once the Nvidia 470 drivers are officially
released, the performance on Nvidia graphics hardware will suffer
when running Xwayland after installation from the CDs unless an the
additional libnvidia-egl-wayland1 package from "universe" is
downloaded and installed.

Installation in security sensitive environments where access to
external internet connections has been deliberately cut off comes
to mind as an example where this arrangement could be a problem.

This situation would be easily remedied by moving the
libnvidia-egl-wayland1 package from "universe" into "main" and
making sure it's included on the Ubuntu Install CDs.

It's a small package (less than 30KiB for the package, less than
70KiB installed -- double that to include both amd64 and i386 in
order to support 32-bit running on 64-bit).

How about it? Can the libnvidia-egl-wayland1 package please be
moved from the "universe" respository into "main" in time for the
forthcoming official release of the Nvidia 470 drivers in "restricted"?