Comment 0 for bug 2004618

Revision history for this message
dann frazier (dannf) wrote :

The fix for bug 1885662 changed the QEMU descriptors that ovmf provides to advertise the new 4M images instead of the old 2M images. That had an unintended side-effect with virtinst. Where previously '--boot uefi' would cause the VM to use OVMF_CODE.fd (the non-secure-boot, no-keys-enrolled variant), after the upgrade VMs are getting (the secure-boot/MS-keys-enrolled variant).

Note: Users can override this by explicitly naming the loader file they want to use using:
  "--boot loader=<path>,loader_ro=yes,loader_type=pflash"

As best I can tell, this is happening because focal's virt-install has a hardcoded list of loader filename patterns it prefers if the user didn't explicitly specify one. From

    _uefi_arch_patterns = {
        "i686": [
            r".*ovmf-ia32.*", # fedora, gerd's firmware repo
        "x86_64": [
            r".*OVMF_CODE\.fd", # RHEL
            r".*ovmf-x64/OVMF.*\.fd", # gerd's firmware repo
            r".*ovmf-x86_64-.*", # SUSE
            r".*ovmf.*", ".*OVMF.*", # generic attempt at a catchall

Before the upgrade, libvirt would advertise the OVMF_CODE.fd file found in the descriptor. That matches the ".*OVMF_CODE\.fd" regex. So while libvirt processed the descriptors in normal order, and while any of them should meet the feature requirements, it held out for one with a file name that matched the regex:

40-edk2-x86_64-secure-enrolled.json - - NO MATCH
50-edk2-x86_64-secure.json - OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd - NO MATCH
60-edk2-x86_64.json - OVMF_CODE.fd - MATCH!

After the upgrade, the advertised file paths changed to begin with OVMF_CODE_4M. So now none of them match virtinst's built-in pattern. Because of that, the negotiation seems to select an option based on capabilities alone. And what do you know? The first one works, so it stops there:

40-edk2-x86_64-secure-enrolled.json - - MATCH!
50-edk2-x86_64-secure.json - OVMF_CODE_4M.secboot.fd - (no need to check)
60-edk2-x86_64.json - OVMF_CODE.fd - (no need to check)

Note that this is not a problem with jammy. I saw in the virtinst changelog that it has changed the interface it uses to request a UEFI firmware from libvirt, so perhaps that is why. We should confirm.

For focal, perhaps we need to restore the previous behavior by modifying the regex to also match the _4M variants.