Comment 14 for bug 82422

Revision history for this message
Bheku (bheku7) wrote :

I got the same problems as Áron Sisak. However, I was able to fix the "Unable to create file..." problem by changing permission on the /usr/lib/eclipse/features and /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins directories:

sudo chmod ug+w /usr/lib/eclipse/features
sudo chmod ug+w /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins

(changed the permission back to what it was once update ran to completion)

Once this was done, the update was able to run to completion.

However my problems began pretty much after that. Firstly, the images on the "Welcome" page don't seem to be loading properly, I've attached a screen shot. I can live with that one, provided Eclipse works. Secondly, I can't open the "Find and Install" dialog once I've started up Eclipse. I get the following error in a dialog box:

"Requested operation cannot be performed because it would invalidate the current configuration. See details for more information."

And under "Details" this is what it says:

"Platform configuration has been modified outside this program. A restart is recommended."

After closing this dialog box and trying again I get the following notification:

"Another install/update job is in progress. Please cancel it and re-launch this action."

I also noticed that now I can't see the CDT option under the "Perspectives" anymore. Not sure where to go from here.