Comment 7 for bug 570945

Revision history for this message
Ichthyostega (ichthyo) wrote :

> this is a locally installed version of eclipse; please report the problem where you downloaded this version

come on :)
This problem is clearly caused by the upgrade to Ubuntu Lucid.
All other colleagues in the Team here are using the same software at the same patch level without problems on Hardy.

Moreover, I see the same crashes with other Java Applications occasionally (DB Visualizer, LDAP browser, and the SWING Apps we're writing here). The error message in the crashdump is the same ('RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter)'.) Just it wasn't reproducible in any of these cases.

> is this issue reproducible with the eclipse version as distributed in the eclipse packages in Ubuntu lucid?
At the time when I first did the upgrade I tried that, and the behaviour was the same.

But meanwhile Eclipse Helios is released, while the Ubuntu package is still 3.5. So this is no longer an option