Comment 7 for bug 66032

Revision history for this message
Bart Kroon (bart-kroon) wrote :

So for some months now, every time there is a kernel update and I have to reboot my system, fsck failes because my fstab lists UUID's and I have to press Ctrl+D to continue booting. If I can contribute in any way to help solve this bug, tell me what to do.

Here is my fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
UUID=a21d589c-4949-49fe-a776-fa8f969a1888 / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 1
UUID=812128ce-bfe0-4906-abef-678792815a76 /home/bart reiserfs defaults 0 2
UUID=8A2881E22881CD9F /home/bart/Windows ntfs-3g nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 2
UUID=5149e1dc-4738-4be1-aa97-1fdfe959b7f7 /home/bart/Extra reiserfs defaults 0 3
UUID=839308e2-6223-4970-8c73-42ce04625701 /home/bart/WWW reiserfs defaults 0 3
UUID=94d50302-4242-47b2-b980-32bf03694d57 /home/bart/Downloads reiserfs defaults 0 3
UUID=d2e41a24-87ca-4f6f-a065-a2a52813928e /home/bart/Music reiserfs defaults 0 3
UUID=ac2be621-cfc8-4ea5-8d57-4cf5671f97fa /home/bart/Video reiserfs defaults 0 3
UUID=eba560c1-9494-4f84-849a-2bf32ac17191 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

Here the list of UUID's while mounted:

$ for i in /dev/evms/*; do echo -n "$i : "; sudo vol_id -u $i; done
/dev/evms/dm : /dev/evms/dm: unknown volume type
/dev/evms/hda1 : 8A2881E22881CD9F
/dev/evms/hda5 : 5149e1dc-4738-4be1-aa97-1fdfe959b7f7
/dev/evms/hda6 : 812128ce-bfe0-4906-abef-678792815a76
/dev/evms/hda7 : 839308e2-6223-4970-8c73-42ce04625701
/dev/evms/hdb1 : a21d589c-4949-49fe-a776-fa8f969a1888
/dev/evms/hdb2 : eba560c1-9494-4f84-849a-2bf32ac17191
/dev/evms/hdb3 : 94d50302-4242-47b2-b980-32bf03694d57
/dev/evms/hdb5 : d2e41a24-87ca-4f6f-a065-a2a52813928e
/dev/evms/hdc1 : ac2be621-cfc8-4ea5-8d57-4cf5671f97fa

Some system info:

ASUS A7V333 mainboard with VIA chipset (
AMD Athlon XP 2500+
2x512 MB DDR 333
Three PATA harddisks (120, 120 and 200 GB)

I read somewhere that including pata_via in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules should work so I did and kept this for some kernel updates before removing it again. It did not help nor harm.