Comment 6 for bug 632346

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Christophe Van Reusel (christophevr) wrote :

Hello, Yes I can't say were it bugged during the installation cause pc freezed fully with X screen on the actually formatting step, But Yes this is what I meant That freeze didn't happen during the formatting process itself but When it was just done and the installer loaded the ext4 core and start using it to start writing the kernel and so to the HD.

Now why I think that :, Just to recover the freeze I of course performed I hard reset, And restarted the installation from scratch. Of course on the menu where tho choose the disk and so I took I closer look and saw that the HD in my case sda1 was indeed formatted ext4. Should it have crashed during the formating It should have be an unknown HD formatting.

But here again it does have nothing to do with the installer or formatting program itself, Since I alway's succeeded finally to have a succesfull installation of ubuntu 10.04 . But once it was installed I suffered from the random freezes at will. Unpredictable not very frequent at all. on ext4 file system .

When I install the 10.04 But during the format step I choose to format ext3 off course append the / as directory, And yes I reserve between 4200 MB and 5000 MB for a swap partition (just a little more then my RAM capacity) Which a format into an extended linux swap partition. It goes like a train +- 15 min to have a full install from scratch and this is fast. Off course after I need to update and so one that's logic.

I'm willing to use an other kernel, But it needs to have new basic ext4 kernel drivers as well as there is the problem I guess.

And The whole pc is free hardware But not my graphic card it is indeed NVIDIA . But this will not be a big problem as it runs fine whithout the proprietary NVIDIA kernel modules (of course overlay, 2D, 3D and all those stuff will not work then but the basic functions well after I still can compile the nvidia proprietary kernel at least ,,?? according info into lucid the current stable kernel does not support the basic compile programs provided by nvidia itself so the only way to install them is true the non free driver installation program from ubuntu itself for me currently they are NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 195.36.24

What i can try is the basic Maverick If i'm not wrong they are all on the beta release ? If there the ext4 core drivers are updated it's very usefull and it will not be a wast of time in trying .

To Put something's clear (yes sorry my English isn't good at all and the writing even a disaster)

The problem is NOT an installation and NOT a formating issue.
   But installation can be affected from this problem.
The problem only and only occurs on ext4 formated HD witht fast ram and fast HD
  so ubuntu on ext3 NOT affected

The effect's are random pc freeze NOT frequent absolutely unpredictable variating from once a week till sometimes 3 times in a day.

Due too the sudden instant freeze no debug or error repport is made as the pc full lock's up.
After restart (hard reset) THERE is ALWAYS a REPORT from HD recovery about some wrong inodes etc....

Very few I now but well fact's