Comment 69 for bug 200337

Revision history for this message
Andy (andy-xillean) wrote :

I cannot believe that this problem is six months old and it seems that its not important. I guess burning CDs and reading DVDs is simply not a priority. They say this problem doesn't affect much people so no need to prioritize this problem. They are about to release Intrepid with this same problem. That just goes to show how low priority this is. What is not funny is that in about 40% of the 400+ computers that I have installed Ubuntu Hardy on I see this problem. Those 40% of the 400+ computers I have reloaded with PCLinuxOS and the problem disappears. This is a HUGE problem and it seems some people don't grasp the magnitude of this issue. 6 Months no solution to a show stopping problem that affects about 40% of PC with Ubuntu Hardy installed. Its really sad really. This problem and the failure of Canonical to see the importance of it and to fix it for 6 whole months has put a bad taste in my mouth and the mouth of over 200 of my customers that run Ubuntu. Sorry to have to say it but the truth hurts.

I have setup a brand new DELL Precision T5400. Fresh install of Hardy I insert a blank CD i get nothing. No
warning. Nothing in dmesg no error. I go to computer in gnome and click on the drive and I get "UNABLE TO MOUNT LOCATION" "NO MEDIA IN THE DRIVE"

This is a BRAND NEW Dell workstation with sata.

In its current state Hardy is not worthy of being called and LTS let alone ready for the office if u cant even burn a CD /DVD. very sad indeed.