Comment 3 for bug 1757030

Revision history for this message
Thomas Schmitt (scdbackup) wrote :


the problem looks like it is triggered by growisofs' habit to explicitely
set the layer break position. See its message

  /dev/dvdrw: splitting layers at 2009552 blocks

and its error message

 4115562496/8231090176 (50.0%) @0.0x, remaining 16:15 RBU 100.0% UBU 100.0%
 :-[ WRITE@LBA=1ea9d0h failed with SK=5h/ASC=21h/ACQ=04h]: Invalid argument

The numbers match: 4115562496 / 2048 = 2009552 = 0x1ea9d0

Somewhat riddling is the message from dmesg

   Write(10) 2a 00 00 1e d8 40 00 00 10 00

Some entity tried to write block 0x1ed840 = 2021440 = 2009552 + 11888.
The drive did not like this. (And the culprit should be ashamed.)

> xorriso is fine:

Years ago i decided in libburn against that growisofs gesture. DVD+R DL
are unreliable enough. Complicating their operation by smart commands
seemed unwise.
But on the other hand there were reports that drives worked with growisofs
and DVD+R DL whereas libburn (in that case underneath Xfburn) failed.

In growisofs_mmc.cpp one can see the occasion where sending the
layer break is decided:

            if (profile==0x2B && next_track==1 && dvd_compat && leadout)
                plus_r_dl_split (cmd,leadout);

Influencable from growisofs options is "dvd_compat".
It gets set to non-zero if one fo these options is used:

So maybe you get a better result when omitting -dvd-compat.
(This might yield an appendable medium which some entertainment DVD player
 might hate. But computer drives should be ok with it.)

> xorrecord dev='/dev/sr0' -v -dao -pad 2017.iso

Padding is needed only to prevent the Linux TAO CD read-ahead bug.
This special misperception of the readable size cannot happen with DVD media.

So if you ever need those last 300 KiB of a non-CD medium or a CD written
by write type SAO, then replace option "-pad" by "-nopad".

Have a nice day :)
