Comment 6 for bug 240072

Revision history for this message
Mozartsghost (rasmus-s) wrote :

HI, also getting this error while trying to tune to C-BAND freq with dvbstream with DVB-S card

note, vlc tunes perfectly to this same frequency on any of the cards in this machine

root@brm-4-enc3:/streaming# dvbstream -f 3658 -s 2917 -p V -L1 5150 -L2 0 -c 3 -o 4194 4195
dvbstream v0.7 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from
Tuning to 3658 Hz
Using DVB card "STV090x Multistandard", freq=3658
tuning DVB-S to Freq: 4293475296, Pol:V Srate=2917000, 22kHz tone=off, LNB: 0, SLOF 11700, LOF1: 5150, LOF2: 0
Setting only tone OFF and voltage 13V
ERROR tuning channel
: Invalid argument
dvbstream will stop after -1 seconds (71582788 minutes)
Output to stdout
Streaming 3 streams

does anyone know what could be wrong perhaps ?