Comment 28 for bug 1770929

Revision history for this message
Aaron Whitehouse (aaron-whitehouse) wrote :

Hello all,

Apologies, I missed these recent messages.

For background, the error UnicodeDecodeError just means that a non-ASCII character is hitting a piece of code that was not designed to handle it. That is not surprising -- prior to the 0.8 series, very little of the code was designed for non-ASCII characters. What that means is that you may be seeing a UnicodeDecodeError even though this bug is fixed, because somewhere else in the code needs fixing.

Victor Douglas (jhngalt): This is an interesting error and thank you very much for following our instructions on testing the snap and giving the relevant details. Can you please test with the latest stable duplicity snap and, if you still have a problem, report the bug in our new tracker ( )? Note that "snap run duplicity" does not actually do anything without arguments (even working correctly it gives:
Command line error: Expected 2 args, got 0
Enter 'duplicity --help' for help screen.), but it still should not be giving an error like that. It looks as though the error was related to non-ASCII in your temporary directory name not being handled correctly.

Martin Theiner (mathesubu1) and BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明 (bluet) -- you are both using an old (pre 0.8 series) version of duplicity/deja dup. Please uninstall the system version (e.g. "sudo apt-get purge duplicity") and install the stable snap (e.g. "sudo snap install duplicity —classic") and test again.