Comment 28 for bug 1217959

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Bib (bybeu) wrote :

repost clean
Comment 26 for bug 1217959
Bib (bybeu) wrote 1 hour ago: #26

Yesterday in the evening I changed the backup target from the usb drive to a network folder though ssh. At this time the proposed/previous target was "Sauvegarde". I didn't choose the proposed remote $HOME/.../deja-dup/ target, but instead a customized [remote]/$HOME/.Backup Studio1537. Then I changed the exclusion list, just to exclude .mozilla folder (which as it's own cloud backup regards to Firefox sync), then re-enabled weekly backup and when prompted entered the password to store.
During the backup the laptop went to sleep state several times until I disabled sleep feature and he went on backing-up until this morning ~4h AM, but no time since backup start deja-dup stated an error. Only in the end displayed the error stating "Backup failed" Unable to **RESTORE** /home/marie/.cache/deja-dup/metadata: file is not in the backup.
The $HOME is on a SSD and this is no external .cache symlink or any here in (single drive in the laptop). At the moment I still have the failure popup displayed but I can't find any log.
Attached are list on the target, showing backup ran until the end (~40GB data), a list of local deja-dup folder and settings:
Have a look at time/date/size to make sure ~start time and end time.

I can add that only once in the process I had a look at "Details" expanding the list, then I closed it, feeling this was maybe involved in previous failures I experienced.