Comment 4 for bug 762082

Revision history for this message
Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote :

(gdb) print fmt
$1 = 0xe2e8 "using %s to provide %s (%s) in %s."
(gdb) print *(char **)(&fmt +1)
$2 = 0x14b90e8 "/usr/sbin/rmt-dump"
(gdb) print *(char **)(&fmt +2)
$3 = 0x153b1d8 "/usr/sbin/rmt"
(gdb) print *(char **)(&fmt +3)
$4 = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
(gdb) print *(char **)(&fmt +4)
$5 = 0xd618 "auto mode"
(gdb) up
#7 0x0000ab9e in main (argc=11, argv=<value optimized out>)
    at ../../utils/update-alternatives.c:2448
2448 in ../../utils/update-alternatives.c
(gdb) print a->master_name
$6 = 0x14b9050 "rmt"

Something wrong here with the argument marshalling. Looks like a toolchain bug, not a dpkg bug.