Comment 0 for bug 108189

Revision history for this message
Jan Klopper (janklopper-innerheight) wrote :

APt-get, adept, and the restricted drivers manager might halt installing packages when one or more of the files in:


is corrupt.

The error shown will be either:
files list file for package `*' is missing final newline
files list file for package `*' contains an empty filename

Where * start is a random but steady "per install" package name.

Adding a newline char to the file changes the message form the first to the seccond error noting about the empty filename.

Since all these files seem to contain only a string of @^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^
it seems they are redundant, and i ventured on moving them from the folder, this solved the problem.

Two things need to be resolved here i guess,
1: dpkg should handle these files more gracefully, there's an abundance of forum posts and related bugs available from people who have no clue where to search, deleting them seems to work, so why not delete them when dpkg encounters this error.
2: Since all these files essentially contain the same data, why are they even here, there's 4200 of them in a default feisty install, the installer works fine without, so why are they here?