Comment 1 for bug 1712237

Revision history for this message
Joshua Powers (powersj) wrote :

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to file a bug report.

It appears those files are in zesty and artful, but not xenial or earlier. After looking at the source of the version of dovecot in xenial I found the following references to imapsieve plugin:

dovecot-2.2.22 grep -ir "imapsieve" .
./pigeonhole/README: imapsieve (RFC 6785): partially implemented.
./pigeonhole/TODO:* Implement IMAP plugin for IMAPSieve support:
./debian/patches/pigeonhole.patch:+ imapsieve (RFC 6785): partially implemented.
./debian/patches/pigeonhole.patch:+* Implement IMAP plugin for IMAPSieve support:

Looking at the patch file it looks like initial support for imapsieve was added, but again it was preliminary. Xenial has version v0.4.13 of pigeonhole, while zesty has v0.4.16. From the website tutorial you linked it starts with "You will need at least pigeonhole v0.4.14 for this".

Therefore, I believe this would require new features and functionality to be pushed back into Xenial to function. If you need a fix for the bug in previous versions of Ubuntu, then the
relevant procedure is documented here:

However, I am not sure this bug would qualify under that policy, although
I am not on the SRU team and cannot make that decision.