Comment 5 for bug 59293

Revision history for this message
Duncan Lithgow (duncan-lithgow) wrote :

Just a note for anyone tring to get around this. If your vfat system is not important to your system starting (it shouldn't be) then you can set the last two numbers of the relevant entry in your fstab file as '0'. For example:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# /dev/sda9 -- converted during upgrade to edgy
UUID=44F6-7DE3 /media/storage vfat defaults,utf8,umask=000,gid=46 0 0

"UUID=44F6-7DE3" is the strange way my system refers to my vfat partition mounted at /media/storage. If I remeber rightly, the final two numbers, both zero in this example, tell the system to continue booting if it can't find this partition (the first zero) and to not check it's integrity (the second zero)

Remember that you will get no warnings if your vfat partition becomes corrupt if you use this solution. There are also packages for configuring how often a specific partition is checked. You can find more about those in the ubuntu-users mailing list.