Comment 0 for bug 1073515

Revision history for this message
Sander Smeenk (ubuntu-freshdot) wrote :

Running Ubuntu Precise & dnssec-tools 1.11-1

I had a TLSA test record in my zone (in the form IN TYPE65468) which made rollerd bork (in the middle of a ZSK roll):

| unrecognized type, line 252
| ...propagated at /usr/share/perl5/Net/DNS/ZoneFile/ line 164, <GEN5> line 252.

(don't reassign to Net::DNS just yet!)

While debugging what actually casued this failure (...the error message could be made much clearer...)
i noticed rollerd started fine when i launched it myself (using exactly the same arguments as the
init-script would):

| [root@services:~] # start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --exec /usr/sbin/rollerd -- -rrfile /etc/bind/dnssec/rollerd_all.rollrec -directory /etc/bind/dnssec
| unrecognized type, line 252
| ...propagated at /usr/share/perl5/Net/DNS/ZoneFile/ line 164, <GEN5> line 252.


| [root@services:~] # /usr/sbin/rollerd -- -rrfile /etc/bind/dnssec/rollerd_all.rollrec -directory /etc/bind/dnssec
| [root@services:~] # ps auxw | grep rollerd
| root 19846 0.0 0.4 69952 20124 ? Ss 11:02 0:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/sbin/rollerd -rrfile /etc/bind/dnssec/rollerd_all.rollrec -directory /etc/bind/dnssec

It is unclear to me why this happens.

As all my domains are currently in ZSK rollover i'd rather not fiddle with it too much, but when they are rolled i have a full month to play around with a testzone and might supply more information on this.