Comment 29 for bug 998712

Revision history for this message
Thomas Hood (jdthood) wrote :

@Wolf: Is it the case that when using the NM-controlled dnsmasq, fully qualified domain names can always be resolved using the glibc resolver but short domain names cannot be resolved using the resolver, despite the correct "search" option being present in /etc/resolv.conf; that this anomaly does not always occur, but when it does occur it lasts about five minutes?

Please correct me if any of the following is not (no longer) true. Please try to provide as complete information as possible.

In the anomalous situation, your /etc/resolv.conf contains the following

    search rsb.intern

and "nm-tool|grep DNS" shows the following


and the following command fails with "unknown host s4"

    ping s4

but the following two commands succeed.

    ping s4.rsb.intern

When the anomaly occurs, does "dig s4.rsb.intern" work on the affected system?

When the anomaly occurs, does "dig" work on the affected system?

When the anomaly occurs, does "dig s4 +search" work on the affected system?