Comment 7 for bug 1995260

Revision history for this message
Miriam España Acebal (mirespace) wrote (last edit ):

That's weird, because it seems that systemd-resolve is not present in the lxd image:

lxd test: Waiting for addresses on eth0 ...
slave: detected primary route through eth0
/bin/sh: 29: systemd-resolve: not found
slave: waiting for systemd resolver...
/bin/sh: 29: systemd-resolve: not found

and the error is happening also with previous dnsmasq version:

Setting up dnsmasq-base (2.80-1.1ubuntu1.5) ...
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
Setting up ubuntu-fan (0.12.13ubuntu0.1) ...
FAIL: Error on LXD test

I put +xv to the fanatic script of the ubuntu-fan package to see how the image was created, and I got this:

+ storage_opt=--storage default
+ echo local lxd test: creating test container (Ubuntu:lts) ...
+ lxc launch ubuntu:lts fanatic-test --storage default -p fan-250
Creating fanatic-test
Starting fanatic-test

and creating it manually :

❯ lxc launch ubuntu:lts fanatic-test-lts

Creating fanatic-test-lts
Starting fanatic-test-lts
❯ lxc shell fanatic-test-lts
root@fanatic-test-lts:~# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy

It's jammy, not focal. And systemd-resolve is not present on Jammy:

root@fanatic-test-lts:~# systemd-
systemd-analyze systemd-escape systemd-run
systemd-ask-password systemd-hwdb systemd-socket-activate
systemd-cat systemd-id128 systemd-stdio-bridge
systemd-cgls systemd-inhibit systemd-sysext
systemd-cgtop systemd-machine-id-setup systemd-sysusers
systemd-cryptenroll systemd-mount systemd-tmpfiles
systemd-delta systemd-notify systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
systemd-detect-virt systemd-path systemd-umount
root@fanatic-test-lts:~# systemd-resolve
systemd-resolve: command not found

the Ubunutu series is harcoded in the fanatic script at line 1015

#local series=$( lsb_release -sr )
local series='lts'

so it should be modified according to the series to which the package under test belongs (in this case, focal), but for Jammy and beyond the use of systemd-resolve in dns_lookup_forwarder() function at line 708 should be changed too.