Comment 29 for bug 112402

Revision history for this message
Portending Ennui (jacob-richards114) wrote :

Ooooh, goody goody goody. I've found stuff. I just don't know what to make of it. I found all sorts of stuff in the output file, But its more than a megabyte before the end, which subtracting 2000 gave me. I tried with 156291488 in the skip field, or subtracting 10000, and got a 5mb file with lots of stuff. I opened it in GHex, and found tons of stuff about "Windows Driver", my hdd models and serial #'s, "$Logical>" and "$MAGNIA$>", and "Expansion BIOS Started", and also "KRC created a RAID0.successfully." It's all at about offset 002EBF67 in GHex and onward, though there is other stuff at the beginning but its gibberish to me.

Files Posted, sorry if its big.

This begs the question, what did Toshiba do to this Intel RAID controller, and was it a BIOS update that did it. It worked back when I used the older BIOS, v1.70 and Ubuntu v6.06 methinks and below IIRC, I'm on BIOS v3.60, which is "Vista Compliant" =/, and maybe be the cause. If this be the case, I wonder how I can get my raid supported if at all. A lot of info in the output file was seemingly BIOS related, or maybe acpi related events. It's a blank NTFS partition. No OS. I might go back to BIOS v1.70 and try, cuz I WILL NOT use vista, xp/ubuntu is the way for me, and I wish I could get OpenSUSE on it too. I like ubuntu for Desktop stuff, and Suse for tinkering, and I will look for an old ubuntu v6.06 cd to try. Wish me luck.