Comment 12 for bug 1775672

Revision history for this message
Matt Harris (charrismatic) wrote :

I've struggled through this several times now. I don't have a definitive solution but the general routine was something like this. When you asked to enroll the machine owner key to sign the kernel module there is an interface that popups up and waits for user input. I tried this in in a shell-only session and in a gnome session several times. In both cases the process that spawns the window gets stuck in a child process and I think it was sent to a different tty altogether. One time I accidentally recover the interface by killing all the login window session processes while I was in a trying something else in a shell session. When i jumped back everything redrew and there was a new window that asked me to enroll the MOK key password.

I was not able to reproduce that the next time I got stuck in this spot, but what worked for me was disabling my machines nvidia video card proprietary drivers, and then switching from wayland to gnome (or gnome to wayland) after I did that then the processes worked as it was supposed to.

This issue is very frustrating, but you should be able to keep secure boot enabled. I saved the logs from those times I was able to get it to work. I'll see if I can find anything to back up what I'm saying here.