Comment 0 for bug 1814976

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote : eol-server dates are empty for current releases

The ubuntu.csv file from distro-info-data contains a column for eol-server which one can then us ubuntu-distro-info to display the days until that milestone is reached. However, that column is empty for many Ubuntu releases (because there isn't a distinction between EoL for desktop and servers anymore) which leads to the following confusing situation.

 $ ubuntu-distro-info --supported -r --days=eol-server
14.04 LTS (unknown)
16.04 LTS (unknown)
18.04 LTS (unknown)
18.10 (unknown)
19.04 (unknown)

I'd suggest modifying ubuntu.csv so that the eol-server column contains the same date as the eol column for all releases.