Comment 5 for bug 908856

Revision history for this message
Josh (2012-t) wrote :

My error is similar, but slightly different:

unpack requires a string argument of length 16148

I am using a MBP 5,3, with external Apple Cinemedia Monitor, Ubuntu 11.10 with unity.

Output of the requested command:

$ PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/disper/src python -c 'import nvidia; n=nvidia.NVidiaControl(); print n.probe_displays(nvidia.Screen(0))'
['DFP-0', 'DFP-2']

Let me know if I can assist further with this bug. My symptom is NOT consistent. I can run the 'disper -e' command a dozen times, and sometimes this will happen 11 times, and others not at all. I simply run the command over and over when I connect the monitor.