Comment 9 for bug 407302

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Lieven (lieven-debels) wrote :

Thanks for your reply.

It surely is a change from previous releases. However, the beginning of this problem is already noticeable in Jaunty.
When creating a custom Jaunty live-cd (with remastersys for example), you have to include network-manager or the live-cd won't boot (it gets stuck at configuring network interfaces). If you force it a little, it continues to boot, but you have no network at all on live-cd.

I consider this not really desired, I mean Jaunty works fine without network-manager as long as you install it to your harddrive. But when you use that installation to create a custom live-cd (I mean, the packages on your installation are (mostly) the same as those that will be on the custom live-cd, and network-manager is not one of them), it gives problems (it won't boot, or the network is broken, or both). However, this did not happen before (I'm pretty sure the problem didn't exist with Intrepid (8.10) and very certain it didn't with Hardy (8.04)

So there must have changed something I guess from 8.10 to 9.04 and it seems even worse from 9.04 to 9.10.
You will probably agree that a custom live-cd without network connection isn't very useable.

So, I'm gonna test Alpha 6 as soon as it's available (maybe today, or otherwise this weekend) and see if network-manager is really required to have network connection (it wasn't in the past, but now apparently, it is). I will also try (it's a little risky, I know, because it's still alpha) to make a custom live cd without network-manager. If that one fails to boot, I'll retry with network-manager and let you know the results.