Comment 1 for bug 507247

Revision history for this message
Eric Sorton (esorton) wrote :

I am affected by this bug as well with a different device. I experience identical behavior when I connect the serial console on a Gumstix Tobi board to my Ubuntu Karmic installation. The problem was not present in the previous version so this is a regression. I also have multiple FTDI devices where some are detected as the Watt's Up and some are not.

A bit of digging turned up the following file:


which contains:

SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{serial}=="A80?????", ENV{DKP_VENDOR}="Watts Up, Inc.", ENV{DKP_PRODUCT}="Watts Up? Pro", ENV{DKP_MONITOR_TYPE}="wup"

Thus, the FTDI driver is identified as a Watt's Up if idVendor is 0403, idProduct is 6001 and serial is A80??????.

To view the serial number of a device, use:

% udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/ttyUSB0)

Replacing /dev/ttyUSB0 with your serial port.

For the FTDI device that is misidentified, the serial is A80093Q1. For the FTDI device that is not misidentified, the serial is 0000:00:1a.7. It appears the line in 95-devkit-power-wup.rules is a bit too aggressive in identifying the Watt's Up device.

A temporary workaround is to comment the line in 95-devkit-power-wup.rules and restart udev.