Comment 14 for bug 418428

Revision history for this message
Tom Louwrier (tom-louwrier) wrote :

Happened again last night.
Plugged the charger in with the battery at around 27%. 'Battery fully charged' came up immediately. Unplugging and plugging in several times didn't change it, so I left it like that (it will charge anyway, I found) and worked on for a while.
When packing up for the day I closed the lid (suspend/resume works again).

This morning I opened the lid, the system resumed just fine and I saw my desktop reappear.
Then it shut down very quickly without any message or possibility to cancel.

After rebooting (I got the 'charger can not be identified' message again from the BIOS) I found that the rate again has a spike at something like 355W where it should be 35-40W.

Any ideas?
