Comment 20 for bug 403303

Revision history for this message
Antoon van het Erve ( wrote :

This also happens in xubuntu 9.10 Desktop (eee 900). Tried that for I had the 1.9% broken battery issue on ubuntu 9.10 desktop (might show my newbness). Have not tried Kubuntu yet (for years btw).

- just cosmetical? it is bringing me into a constant state of battery paranoia!

the 11th post on this page : a user posted a script (for an alike problem ubuntu 8.04) stating "After rebooting this will fix:" ...more text... " * Erroneous battery may be broken warning." one could check out his code for I have no idea what it could be that fixed the problem and if it is related to the acpi issue, just mentioning. I have pointed out this bug & thread to them here:

is rewriting the devicekit-power a lot of work/can it not be ransacked from an older version? so it could be supplied as fix by having my (x)ubuntu exchange its new not working one with the old one?