Comment 13 for bug 1970141

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John Collins (johnwgc) wrote : Re: [nvidia] Desktop icons desktop is black

Well I tried doing all that with disabling the icons.

It does remove the icons, but the background is still overlaid with opaque black.

It didn't do anything immediately but it did after I logged in - just removed the icons. The directory ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions wasn't there. Mind you it isn't there on a "virgninal" laptop which I haven't done any such fiddling on.

How do I get the icons back though? gseettings reset org. (etc etc) runs OK logged out and back in but no sign of them..... Just empty blackness...

HOWEVER doing that did solve the mystery of the jpg file. Yonks ago I had tried to set that file as a background to the login screen but it didn't work and I gave up, thinking that the instructions on Ubuntu help weren't working but it was ultra-cosmetic and I didn't bother (I leave my machine running and logged in 24/7 and without screen lock - which incidentally is working OK and safe as only myself and GF can get to it).

But doing all that setting that file to be world-readable made it pop up as the background to the login screen. (Such a beautiful picture, sunrise over a sea port, just struck lucky in the early morning. Totally irrelevant but I'll post if if people want to see it.)

It's clearly some weird opacity in the desktop display because if I click "Activities" or press the Windows button I can see my background image appearing hazily with a black mist and reduced-sized windows over it as well as the desktop selection list again showing the background image. But if I select a desktop, the background picture flashes up for a second and then goes black apart from the "sliver" at the bottom.