Comment 2 for bug 591607

Revision history for this message
Erik Olson (policy775) wrote :

There is now (07-18-2010) an oversized version available which may have repaired this problem. I am unable to verify this because the eMac that I have has a CD reader only. The oversized iso would fit on a DVD, but not on a CD.

I next attempted to put the iso on a USB stick to install from that. Symbolic link errors indicated I had a FAT32 file system on the USB.

    cp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/usb1/dists/stable': Operation not permitted
    cp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/usb1/dists/unstable': Operation not permitted
    cp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/usb1/ubuntu': Operation not permitted

What to do? Open Firmware will only read HFS. It's not clear to me how to format the USB into HFS or how to create softlinks in HFS. Also, once I format the USB into HFS, so that Open Firmware can find and read the USB, it will presumably load the Linux kernel which itself would appear unable to read the files on a USB that needs read by Linux. Accordingly, if the USB installation needs to rely on symlinks inside the iso, there is an apparent Catch-22 that prevents USB installation, unless I have overlooked something.

I will wait until the daily build iso returns to a CD burnable size before I attempt this distro again.