Comment 4 for bug 293754

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Mikko Rauhala (mjr-iki) wrote :

No I don't at least, sorry. However, RAID-capable hardware is not required, this was at least for me all with a software RAID setup. Should've said that, sorry.

Just go to manual partitioning, create (a) RAID device(s), initialize at least one for LUKS encryption (not the /boot one of course...), initialize that for LVM (it'll want to create the funky devicemapper "partition" [md1_cryptp1 or similar] at this point on the LUKS volume, so make a note of that - as said, earlier versions didn't _actually_ do that but they also implied that they did in the UI) and then install on the LUKS'd LVM how you will (with /boot outside it of course - for me it was on a separate unencrypted small sw-RAID-1, because it gives redundancy and grub can still kinda read it even if it'll only see one of the drives)

Should note the lack of /etc/crypttab on the installed filesystem. I'm not actually sure if the initrd wouldn't correctly set up the "partition" within the LUKS volume if you manage to create it with the correct crypttab (though I find it extremely counterintuitive that the installer would anyway force the creation of such - but hey, if the initrd would work, at least it wouldn't really be a major bug in itself).