Comment 1 for bug 1536672

Revision history for this message
Alan Pound (alan-pound) wrote :

1. A minimal series of steps necessary to make it happen, where step 1 is "start the program"....

ubuntu-15.10-server-amd64.iso - dd'd onto a USB stick, and put into a USB slot on a server, *or* VMManager on my 15.10 laptop installing directly from the .iso file *or* the program: "Test drive a UBUNTU iso" selecting "Ubuntu server xenial"... this particular narrative is from the latter, although all of the preceding go the same way....

"Install UBUNTU Server"
"United Kingdom"
"Detect Keyboard Layout" <No>
"English UK"
"English UK"
"Hostname: ubuntu" <Continue>
"Username for your account" ubuntu <Continue>
"Choose a password for the new user:" password <Continue>
"Re-enter password to verify:" password <Continue>
"Encrypt your home directory" <No>
"Based on your present physical location, your time zone is Europe/London.
  If this is not correct, you may select from a full list of time zones instead.
  Is this time zone correct?" <No>

2. What you expected to happen
Print a List of time-zones from which I could select one...

3. What actually happened
"Partition Disks"....
  (This is what happens when you select <Yes> instead of <No>)