Comment 6 for bug 195948

Revision history for this message
rafmav (rafmav) wrote :

Removing /etc/cdd/cdd.conf does not functions: dpkg only changes the number of the error from 67 to 64, and telling post-removal script could'nt find some files ("no such file por directory").

The problem seem to be in cdd-dev ; I don't know why, but I found this in /etc/cdd: a folder named med/ and inside, med.conf ; don't ask me what it is for, I forgot (I usually install packages to try them and forget to delete them)...

1. I did something like this, with sudo or not, I forgot; It did not run, and I don't know if this is important!
   cdd-role add med
   cdd-user med rafmav med
   cdd-update-menus med rafmav
   cdd-update-usermenus med rafmav
When I tried to:
    sudo apt-get -f install

2. Thus, I did this:
   sudo mkdir /etc/cdd/education
   sudo cp /etc/cdd/med/med.conf /etc/cdd/education/education.conf
   vim /etc/cdd/education/education.conf
   >change CDDNAME=Deb-Med to CDDNAME=Education
When I tried to:
    sudo apt-get -f install
This is magic, and All the packages education-* depending on cdd have ended their install!

I am tired with all this with cdd-dev and education-* packages... For a while, I will not touch the education-* packages, to remove it or to try it...

Now, I can remove some other packages (impossible to remove network-manager before, etc.) that I could not because of the education-* scripts: always aptitude, synaptic, apt-get, dpkg and others tried to configure these fuc**** files, making these package-managers applications run a lot and several times with no result! I think there is a bug or a mismaking of these package "helpers", because when I want to remove files or applications from my computer, I want them to be removed, no matter for me if they are configured or not! I consider such suc*** acting from softwares like virus !